Friday, November 27, 2009

The Ranting Sagas; Part I: CD Packaging Is The Dawn Of Armaggedon.

Now that this is actually underway, I think a good place to start would be some complaining. "But Koray, what is there to complain about?" you may ask. Well, if you are one of those people, open
your eyes.

This sounds really clichéd and somewhat paranoid, but the world is fucking full of bad things, annoying things, hard-to-deal-with things, and overall shit. People get sick of these things very often. I'll put all the things into blog format so you can see how annoying these things really are. To start off, I'll use a very small complaint.

This will apply to very few of you because most people have embraced the ingenuity of free music. Personally, I think downloading music is not good at all. Sure, I've done it a lot, but most people don't feel guilty about it. I go out and buy CD's a lot of the time too. (Honestly, JB Hi-Fi in Blacktown is my home away from home.)

But that is slightly besides the point. My complaint is, when you buy most of these CD's, they are covered with the most FUCKING annoying plastic. It drives me insane, regardless of what the CD is. If you don't know what i'm talking about, CD's are usually covered with a tight clear plastic packaging that seems to have no part to grab and peel off. It's as though somebody is trying to get into the CD and lick it or rub Vegemite on the fucking case. (Although, if there was Vegemite on the case, I wouldn't buy it at all. I think Vegemite is a codename for shit and they're trying to feed it to us.)

Anyway, I understand that they want to protect the CD and all but I highly doubt somebody is going to take each CD case and do something malicious to it. I mean, there are cameras anyway. What the hell is the point of covering each CD case so tightly and securely? When you BUY the CD, you have to fucking get it off! You try using your teeth and it hurts. You use scissors and knives to try cut it, then end up slipping and damaging the case by slicing it anyway. You use your nails to grab a bit of it to try and peel it off, but that never works. Trust me, this shit is damn annoying.

And now for the second most annoying thing about CD's. Once you get through the hellacious plastic covering the beautiful case, artwork and CD, you notice that there is a sticker stuck upon your hard-earned case. It's the price sticker. You then attempt to peel it off slowly trying not to leave any kind of sticky residue on the case. Then you fail. Boom! There goes your right to say "I have a spotless copy of it". This sounds very perfectionist-like, but it is dead true. And occasionally, the casing is covered in OTHER stickers pointing out what bonus items/features that the deluxe version of your magnificent new CD contains. For fuck's sake! I think that once I get through all this shit covering my damn CD, I'll see for myself what the freaking bonuses are! All I want to do is rip it to my iTunes and listen to it! I don't want to spend 10 minutes trying to open it without damaging it and then spending another 5 taking off every accursed sticker covering it.

So there you have it. My first complaint. :D


  1. ...Censor the language ? maybe ? maybe not ? ;)
    Roflmao, what kind of noob goes and buys CDs when you can just download them for, wait for it... FREE !?!

    Your First and Favorite Follower

  2. That's mean though.
    It's called support your favorite bands/artists. <.<

  3. oh right, and who would your fav artist be ? would they happen to be ARTIST OF THE YEAR by any chance ...?
