Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Ranting Sagas; Part III: Lack Of Acceptance And Dobbing Are The Spawn Of Eternal Damnation.

Hmm, I don't really know where to begin. To be honest, the majority of this rant will be directed at one person. -cough...Leanne...cough- But don't feel singled out because there are a billion others who are also abnormally modest.

So, the deal here is that whenever I tell Leanne she's beautiful, it's commonly replied to with a ''psshk'' or a ''No, I'm average-looking.'' or the occasional ''Compared to what?". This is frustrating because she just won't accept the truth. Why not?


So far, I've asked Ryke, Ryder, Victor, Lydia, Alex, Dinusha and a random 4 year old girl at a park if they if they think Leanne is beautiful. How many of them do you think said yes?

All of them.

A number of people at school such as Tanaya and Natali have seen her also. Their response was the same as everyone elses. And yet, she refuses to believe it. I mean seriously, you can only avoid the truth for so long. The countless amount of times I've said it have gone in one ear and come out the other. But when the day comes when she realizes it's true, I'm going to give her the biggest "I told you so" the world has come to witness.

And that isn't all. It's not just the beauty comment that she denies. Anything positive to do with her usually ends up being dismissed and tossed into a corner with no further discussion. Her eyes, her smile, her nice personality, her honestly, all of it gets rejected within milliseconds.

But don't you worry. I have my plans. ;)
You'll see.

As I previously stated, this is not a rare occurrence. But to this extent is unheard of. It's nearly impossible to give a compliment. People who reject every single thing that is said to them, be they accusations, compliments or simple statements regarding them tend to annoy the living shit out of the people making them. So now you can imagine what I put up with. -sigh- I'm a tolerant person. (:


This is now a different topic, but still may be one of the most annoying things I have ever come across. GETTING DOBBED ON.

This actually may sound really whiney and stupid but it's so damn true. Whenever i'm texting underneath a desk and somebody from behind -COUGH-FUCKING-BEN-COUGH- says ''Oh Koray! Why are you texting on your phone!?" in a really loud voice so the teacher catches me, pissed off is an understatement.

Why do people feel the sudden need to do these things? Is it so they can get a laugh out of my misfortune or is it because they feel accomplishment by never failing to act like an absolute retard constantly?

Teacher: "I don't want to hear anybody playing music on their phones while the movie is on."

Wow. That is lame.
But honestly, what are you trying to accomplish by getting me in trouble for a stupid-ass reason? Blehh. If I did the same thing to you, it would end in a flurry of swearing and stupid comebacks. From you, not me. I would sit there and laugh. Or just smile. That would be the more psychopathic option, therefore, my preferred one. Stop doing it.

Santi. (:


  1. Was that cooommplleetely necessary . :P

  2. Leanne. who do you think you are !?!?
    grrr :@ its so on, i will show you who korays top follower is ! - moi ! :P
    hahaha leanne seems like a really modest person, from what ive read of this post -_-
    roflmao, isnt it fun to rant about ben ?
